

A smile, residents who spontaneously start singing along with the jukebox, a resident who takes my hand and is curious about what I am showing – these are examples of the reactions I get when I bring De BeleefTV along. And that makes me go on my way again afterwards with a smile and a sense of accomplishment to make even more people happy.
That I can contribute to this makes me very happy.


To see the target group and their supervisors enjoying what we are all working on with great passion and pleasure. This ensures that we remain committed to the elderly. It makes me happy to be able to do something for the generation that has meant so much to us.


Making people happy. Often, it’s the small, simple things. By going the extra mile. A small effort for some, a great pleasure for others.
With De BeleefTV, my colleagues and I make elderly people happy. I think it is great to experience the immediate result with our target group. That makes me happy.


Working for an organisation like De BeleefTV is a pleasure every day. Besides the pleasant and professional working atmosphere, the work gives me a lot of satisfaction. Every day, we work with great passion and commitment to make De BeleefTV a little better. When you see how much fun people have using De BeleefTV, it makes me very happy.


What could be better than making people happy! Especially people who are no longer able to control their own happiness.
This is what De BeleefTV does best. Bringing people together, and with a slightly therapeutic effect too!

The fact that I am contributing to this makes me feel really good. That is why I work with De BeleefTV with so much passion and pleasure.


My passion is technology. As a little boy, I used to take apart my radio-controlled cars to see how they worked, much to my grandfather’s delight.
Be it computers, cars or phones. I would like to make technical things that work for people. So the passion was born under my grandfather’s watchful eye and I am thrilled that I can now use all the knowledge I have gained since then to serve my grandfather’s generation.


Throughout the country, I provide demonstrations and trial placements for De BeleefTV. When I go somewhere and take De BeleefTV with me, I always bring joy and happiness along.
I like seeing that in the elderly when they start working with the table. I hope that together with my colleagues I can make people happy for many years to come.


It gives me a lot of energy and satisfaction to see how much fun the seniors have with De BeleefTV. I think it is great that I can make my technical contribution to this. Together with the team, I want to make sure that many more people can enjoy De BeleefTV!

I have been infected with the computer virus since childhood and bits and bytes flow through my blood. My hobby back then was “computing” and it still is! I was soon able to turn my hobby into my work. Whether it’s the cloud, servers, laptops, WiFi, TVs, tablets, PCs or game consoles…I want to know as much as I can about them.


I have been enthusiastic about De BeleefTV since the first time I saw it. I’m convinced that the product will make a big difference in healthcare. For me personally, social interaction is the most important thing. De BeleefTV brings people together. Family members can enjoy the past together and grandchildren can play or paint. De BeleefTV creates a friendly atmosphere in the care sector that no other product can match.


Everyone knows someone who suffers from dementia. My grandmother also had this disease. During the period when she was developing dementia, the family increasingly lost contact with her and she often fell asleep when you visited her.
With the development of De BeleefTV, we are connecting with people suffering from dementia and seeing them blossom again.

For me personally, the development of De BeleefTV is not only an extension of my knowledge in IT, but also a great opportunity to make a positive contribution to society.


After completing a technical education, I felt the need to do something for people who are limited in their daily lives. That’s why I started studying healthcare technology. Now, as a graduate health care technologist, I enjoy using my design skills. To help people both physically and digitally and put a smile on their face.
This is what makes working at De BeleefTV so great, the combination of bringing fun and at the same time stimulating brain activity. That makes me enthusiastic.
Whether it is by developing an aid or a game for use on De BeleefTV, as long as I can make someone happy, I am happy to do my bit.


What could be better than putting a smile on someone’s face?
Exactly, nothing. That is why I appreciate this work so much! De BeleefTV puts a smile on the seniors’ faces as soon as they start using it. I’m glad I can do my bit.
I think it’s great to see how De BeleefTV can make such a big difference.
