
De BeleefTV is fully customized and can be put together according to your wishes.

De BeleefTV is made of high-quality materials and is therefore the only one on the market to hold a TUV certification. These high safety requirements ensure the safety of your clients and allow wheelchair users to easily handle De BeleefTV. The solid frame combined with the high-quality multi-touch screen guarantee maximum user-friendliness.

The software can be configured entirely according to your wishes. If, for example, you have a narrow target group or a more limited budget, you can choose to purchase 2 or 3 menus. You are free to choose the number of menus. Of course, you can always add to them later! That way, you already have DeBeleefTV in your possession and can save up for additional menus in the meantime.

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Creating your BeleefTV takes 2 steps

The hardware

De BeleefTV hardware is made of high-quality materials and is therefore the only one on the market to hold a TUV certification. These high safety requirements ensure the safety of your clients and allow wheelchair users to easily handle De BleefTV. The solid frame combined with the high-quality multi-touch screen guarantee maximum user-friendliness.

Customised trolley*

* Available only from De BeleefTV

Maximum safety certification (TÜV)*

* Available only from De BeleefTV


Suitable for 43” and 49” screen

Plastic protective cover

Connection of external devices (HDMI)

Additional power point for external device

Luxury support edge of your choice

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Customize with software

After the hardware, De BeleefTV can be filled with software. The software can be configured entirely according to your wishes and needs. De BeleefTV has a wide range of specially developed applications for carehomes. Choose the packages that suit your care facility’s residents best. The software menus can be purchased separately (in discount packages) or in or in one of our subscription packages.

Purchase software: discount packages

*Or purchase separate software menus

Software subscription: 

Working closely with various care institutions in both elderly and disabled care, we have the ability to continuously develop. This results in new menus, games and other upgrades & improvements each year.

Check out our application overview!

Software specially developed for care institutions

Over 18 software applications

Widest range of games on the market

175+ games

Collaboration with care institutions

Yearly new software applications

Quarterly software updates

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You always get this


Trolley on wheels

Electronically adjustable height


Protection/support edge

3-year full warranty

Free installation

Free delivery

Free support

Do you want to be sure that De BeleefTV is right for your target group?
You always have the opportunity to try out De BeleefTV for a week completely free of charge and without obligation.
That way you can be sure you’re getting value for money.

Software packages

De BeleefTV can be assembled completely by yourself, which allows the device to fit your needs and wishes perfectly. There are currently 15 software menus available. With a total of over 150 games, De BeleefTV has the most extensive range of games of any comparable product on the market. And close cooperation with various care institutions for both dementia and intellectual disability gives us the opportunity for continuous development. In this way, we can guarantee that at least two completely new menus are developed every year.

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Try the games for free

Do you want to be sure that the games in a particular menu are suitable for your target group? You always have the opportunity to try the games for a month free of charge and without obligation.

Want to try the software for free?

Let us know which software you would like to try.
We will then contact you within 2 working days and arrange everything for you.
